Predstavnici UG „Budućnost“ bili su jedan, od 12 predavača, na trodnevnoj godišnjoj konferenciji u organizaciji Evropske mreže za rad sa počiniocima nasilja iz Berlina, koja je održana od 02. do 06. oktobra u glavnom gradu Češke, Pragu.
Ova konferencija okuplja predstavnike 54 organizacije iz ukupno 13 evropskih zemalja i služi kao godišnja razmjena informacija i ideja na polju rada sa počiniocima nasilja u cilju zaštite žrtava.
Pored tradicionalnog ključnog predavača konferencije koji je ove godine došao iz Italije i razgovarao o iskustvu koji Italija ima u radu sa počiniocima, održano je ukupno 12 različitih radionica, a jednu od njih vodili su upravo predstavnici UG „Budućnost“, predstavivši prisutnima načine rada, preventivnog i terapijskog, koji provodimo u Muškom centru naše organizacije, kontekst zemlje u kojoj radimo, probleme i poteškoće sa kojima se susrećemo, te potencijalna rješenja koja nudimo.
„Veoma nam je drago što smo pozvani da ove godine budemo predavači na konferenciji, a naročito nam je drago što smo poziv opravdali i više ngo uspješno, s obzirom na pozitivne rezultate evaluacije koju su učesnici ispunili po završetku našeg predavanja. Razgovarajući o kontekstu u kojem radimo i problemima sa kojima se suočavamo, moj kolega (socijalni radnik Dejan Lazarević)i ja pokušali smo da predstavnicima zemalja koji rade u poprilično sređenim država i uslovima, dočaramo sve te prepreke koje mi moramo prevazići, da bismo došli do konačnog cilja, ali i pozitivne prakse i rezultate kojih definitivno i pored svega ima. Drago nam je da je atmosfera bila dobra, da su učesnici imali pitanja i da su sa iste otišli sa nekim novim znanjem, koje do tada nisu imali. Hvala Mreži na pruženoj prilici“, rekla je stručna saradnica za odnose s javnošću u UG „Budućnost“, Dajana Ilić.
Association of Citizens “Buducnost” one of the lecturers at the annual conference for dealing with perpetrators of violence
Representatives of Association of Citizens “Budućnost” were one of this year's lecturers of the three-day conference for dealing with perpetrators of violence, which was held from October 2nd to October 6th in the Czech capital Prague, organized by the European Network for Work with perpetrators of Violence (WWP EN) from Berlin.
This conference brings together representatives of 54 organizations from a total of 13 European countries and serves as an annual exchange of information and ideas in the field of work with perpetrators of violence in order to protect victims.
In addition to the traditional keynote speaker who came from Italy this year and talked about the experience Italy has in dealing with perpetrators, a total of 12 different workshops were held, and one of them was led by the representatives of the Association of Citizens “Buducnost”, presenting the working methods (preventive and therapeutic) that we conduct in the Men's Center of our organization, the context of the country in which we work, the problems and difficulties we face, and the potential solutions that we offer.
“We are very pleased that we are invited to be lecturers at such a significant conference, and we are particularly pleased that the invitation was justified, given the positive results of the evaluation that the participants completed at the end of our lecture. Talking about the context in which we work and the problems we are facing, my colleague (social worker Dejan Lazarevic) and I have tried to represent our situacion as clear as it possible to those experts who work in different conditions orderly countries and conditions, and to show all these obstacles that we must overcome in order to reach the final goal, but also the positive practices and results that we definitely have. We are glad that the atmosphere was good, that the participants had questions and that they went with some new knowledge. Thanks to WWP EN on a given opportunity, “said Dajana Ilic, a public relations manager at ” Buducnost “.