Predstavnici udruženja građana „Budućnost“, u saradnji sa JU „Centar za socijalni rad“ Doboj, protekle sedmice su organizovali  okrugli sto na temu „Međusektorska saradnja i koordinisano djelovanje u lokalnim zajednicama“ koji je održan u Doboju.

Učešće na okruglom stolu uzeli su predstavnici subjekata zaštite sa područja dobojske regije, a  događaju su prisustvovale i predstavnice Švajcarske organizacije „Iamaneh“ Isabelle Jost- program  menadžerica i Emina Pašić-koordinatorica za BiH.

Cilj okruglog stola bilo je  unapređenje međusektorske saradnje i koordinisanog djelovanja subjekata zaštite u lokalnim zajednicama.

Učesnici su imali priliku da se upoznaju sa iskustvima i poteškoćama subjekata zaštite u postupanju u slučajevima nasilja u porodici kroz prezentaciju Centra za socijalni rad Doboj, dok je UG „Budućnost“ prisutne upoznalo sa pretpostavkama i mogućnostima za izricanje i sprovođenje zaštitne mjere – obavezni psihosocijalni tretman počiniocu nasilja.

Nakon diskusije zaključeno je da u podršci i zbrinjavanju žrtava nasilja u porodici finansijska sredstva ne smiju biti prepreka, jer ona često nisu presudna za zbrinjavanje nego senzibilisanost i uvezanost subjekata zaštite; neophodno je revidirati stare protokole o postupanju i saradnji nadležnih subjekata na zaštiti žrtava nasilja u porodici, te izraditi nove u skladu sa novim Zakonom o zaštiti od nasilja u porodici; prepoznati NVO kao jedan od neizostavnih partnera u zbrinjavanju i podršci žrtvama nasilja, itd.


A round table on the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation in local communities was held


Representatives of the citizens’ association “Buducnost”, in cooperation with Center for Social Work Doboj, organized a round table on the topic “Inter-sectoral cooperation and coordinated action in local communities” held in Doboj last week.

Participants at the round table were representatives of the protection subjects from the Doboj region, and the event was also attended by representatives of the Swiss organization “Iamaneh” Isabelle Jost – program manager and Emina Pasic-coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aim of the round table was to improve cross-sectoral cooperation and coordinated action of protection subjects in local communities.

The participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the experiences and difficulties of the subjects of protection in the treatment of cases of domestic violence through the presentation of the Center for Social Work Doboj, while “Buducnost” present  the assumptions and possibilities for pronouncing and implementing protective measures – mandatory psychosocial treatment of the perpetrators of violence.

After discussion, it was concluded that financial support should not be an obstacle in the support and care of victims of domestic violence, since they are often not crucial for sensitivity and binding of protection subjects; it is necessary to revise the old protocols on the treatment and cooperation of the competent subjects on the protection of victims of domestic violence and to develop new ones in accordance with the new Law on Protection against Domestic Violence; recognize NGOs as one of the indispensable partners in the care and support of victims of violence, etc.